Yoga Travel|Select Poses|The Down Dog Blog

Travel can take a toll on the body. Long flights, road trips, or train rides force us to cramp our bodies into a small seat for numerous hours.  Practicing a few gentle yoga poses before traveling can help lengthen the muscles of our bodies before we take off. The same goes for after we arrive. Poses to Do Before Traveling…

Find an area at the airport or train station that provides enough space for you to stretch your limbs comfortably — if you are going on a road trip, you can do these poses at home before you leave  Try not to feel weird about practicing in a public place, remember you are doing this for the benefit of your health, so own your practice.

These poses will create length in the spine, and open the hips and groin. It will be nice to have some length and openness before getting into your seat. Hold each pose for approximately five breaths (1 minute):

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